Our skills are inherited from several years dedicated to the fundamental sciences. During these years, automation was at the heart of immense progresses in terms of productivity. It has been used for the production of visualizations of analytical results (e.g. serial infographic production), or to set up protocols to optimize the use of scientific equipment (e.g. detection of limit of detection in datasets). In practice, one of our project aimed at optimizing a multi-element measuring apparatus. The definition of the minimum analysis duration, required to obtain relevant data, proved to be an important criterion. A series of different analysis durations was therefore applied. Using automation to extract and visualise data, the results (signal as a function of the analysis duration for each chemical element) were compared for each chemical element measured. As a result, it is clear (see figure below) that the measured values are regularly below the detection limit (<LOD, red dots) for duration below 100 seconds.Finally, from 150 seconds, the errors on the measurement are reduced as well as the variation on the measurement as a function of the analysis time (the straight line remains sub-horizontal). In the end, this work has reduced the time required for an accurate analysis (time saving) and protected the analytical equipment from misuse (thus extending its lifetime).
DataPartner offers you its idea box to serve you by using tailor-made solutions via R programming.
You wish to dematerialize archives? Make them searchable by filtering information present in them? We can probably help you. We know how to do it on red inpayment slip for example. If your documents contain identifiable elements that are common to each other, we dematerialize the paper archive, extract the main information and store it in a database that can be readily consulted. Do not hesitate to contact us.